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Monika Rebholz

Monika Rebholz studied at Leopold-Mozart-Zentrum für Musik und Musikpädagogik der Universität Augsburg. Her artistic career began at the Staatstheater Passau, followed by engagements with the Prinzregententheater in Munich, the Staatsoper Hannover, and the Kammeroper Frankfurt. From 2006-2009, Ms. Rebholz was a singer with the Staatsoper Stuttgart. In recent years, she has been a regular guest at Bühne Baden near Vienna, and sang leading roles in Paganini, Land of Smiles, Gypsy Princess, and Count of Luxembourg. She is a permanent member of the ensemble Trumpet, Strings & Voice, featuring members of the Wiener Philharmoniker, with whom she recorded a CD in 2018.
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